C++ - 10進法から2進法への変換

10進数を2進数に変換するプログラムを簡単に書きました(30分かかりました)。もっと簡単な方法があると思いますので、教えていただけますか? これがそのコードです。

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;
int a1, a2, remainder;
int tab = 0;
int maxtab = 0;
int table[0];
int main()
    cout << "Enter a decimal number: ";
    cin >> a1;
    a2 = a1; //we need our number for later on so we save it in another variable

    while (a1!=0) //dividing by two until we hit 0
        remainder = a1%2; //getting a remainder - decimal number(1 or 0)
        a1 = a1/2; //dividing our number by two
        maxtab++; //+1 to max elements of the table

    maxtab--; //-1 to max elements of the table (when dividing finishes it adds 1 additional elemnt that we don't want and it's equal to 0)
    a1 = a2; //we must do calculations one more time so we're gatting back our original number
    table[0] = table[maxtab]; //we set the number of elements in our table to maxtab (we don't get 10's of 0's)

    while (a1!=0) //same calculations 2nd time but adding every 1 or 0 (remainder) to separate element in table
        remainder = a1%2; //getting a remainder
        a1 = a1/2; //dividing by 2
        table[tab] = remainder; //adding 0 or 1 to an element
        tab++; //tab (element count) increases by 1 so next remainder is saved in another element

    tab--; //same as with maxtab--
    cout << "Your binary number: ";

    while (tab>=0) //until we get to the 0 (1st) element of the table
        cout << table[tab] << " "; //write the value of an element (0 or 1)
        tab--; //decreasing by 1 so we show 0's and 1's FROM THE BACK (correct way)

    cout << endl;
    return 0;


編集 - 私が最終的に使用した解決策は以下の通りです:

std::string toBinary(int n)
    std::string r;
    while(n!=0) {r=(n%2==0 ?"0":"1")+r; n/=2;}
    return r;

[.to_string()メソッドは、先頭にゼロのパディングを施したバイナリのテキスト表現を持つ std::string を返します。

例えば、32ビットの整数から32文字の文字列を得るには、std::bitset とします。


int main()
    std::string binary = std::bitset(128).to_string(); //to binary
解説 (3)


for( int i = sizeof(value)*CHAR_BIT-1; i>=0; --i)
解説 (0)


cout > a1;
解説 (1)