
私はSprint Samsung Galaxy S3 with Android 4.3を使っています。



"period"     --> .   (works fairly reliably)
"comma"      --> ,   (works fairly reliably)
"new line"   --> \n  (works about 50% of the time)




"New Line" or "Next Line"               Press the enter key once, capitalize next word
"New Paragraph" or "Next Paragraph"     Press the enter key twice, capitalize next word
"Caps "                           Type with an initial capital
"All Caps "                       Type in all uppercase
"Caps On"                                 Start typing words with initial capitals
"Caps Off"                                Stop typing words with initial capitals


&                                       "ampersand" or "and sign" 
.                                       "period" or "dot"
:                                       "colon"   
?                                       "question mark"
!                                       "exclamation point"   
,                                       "comma"
=                                       "equal sign"  
@                                       "at sign"
/                                       "forward slash" or "slash"  
-                                       "hyphen"
'                                       "begin single quote" or "open single quote"     
'                                       "end single quote" or "close single quote"
"                                      "begin quote" or "open quote"   
"                                      "close quote" or "end quote"
(                                       "left parenthesis" or "open parenthesis"    
)                                       "right parenthesis" or "close parenthesis"
%                                       "percent sign"
$                                        "dollar sign"
#                                       "pound sign"  
°                                      "degree sign"
:-)                                     "smiley face"
:-(                                     "sad face" 
解説 (7)

http://thedroidlawyer.com/2015/09/punctuation-commands-for-dictation-in-voice-to-text-for-android/ から、さらに音声コマンドをいくつか紹介します:

Dash = dash (-)
Ellipsis or dot dot dot = ellipsis (…)
Asterisk = asterisk (*)
Backslash = backslash (\)
Open bracket = open bracket ([)
Close bracket = closed bracket (])


!    "exclamation mark"
解説 (0)